Menstrual Hygiene Day 2020 Celebrated Under the Theme:
Yes, it is indeed time for action. Menstrual Hygiene Day (MH Day) has been celebrated...
Interview with SODEI Founder and Executive Director Gilbert
The world is currently gripped by a pandemic of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), an infectious...
Covid19: Cameroonians Defy Measures Laid Down by the
Cameroonians continue to flout most of the preventive measures put in place by the government...
Covid-19, School Shut-Down And Indoor Activities For Young
Coronavirus disease (Covid-19), recently declared a pandemic by the WHO has caused panic and death...
SODEI And Contra Nocendi Submit Joint Submission On
In response to the United Nation’s High Commissioner for Human Rights call for civil society...
SODEI International Women’s Day Event In Limbe, Cameroon
Solidarity Development Initiative (SODEI) joined the rest of the world to commemorate the International Women’s...
Interview with Ruth Tebah – Creative Arts Coordinator
SODEI’s Comms Associate Tataw Ayuk Emilie, caught up with Ruth at her desk at the...
LESPLAY Creative Arts Session December, 7 2019: Focus
Today’s LESPLAY Creative Arts session was organized and conducted by our creative and dedicated trio, Justin...
Stop Violence against Women (VAW) SODEI’s Basic Lexicon
What is Violence Against Women? Violence against women (VAW), also known as gender-based violence are...
SODEI Participates in the 16 days of Activism
Every year, from the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on November...
Position Description Department Location Application Dateline Advocacy Director Vacancy Announcement_Advocacy Director Advocacy Remote 15-Feb-20 Communications...
Celebrates The First International Day Of Education
On December 3rd, 2018, the United Nations GA adopted a resolution to celebrate the international...