SODEI Launches Youth Resource and Vocational Training Centre in Bangem

SODEI Launches Youth Resource and Vocational Training Centre in Bangem

SODEI Launches a Youth Resource and Vocational Training Center in Bangem, July 2021

A billboard on the side of a road

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In our continuous effort towards empowering young persons in our community, SODEI Cameroon has a new branch 🎉 🎉

SODEI Bangem will serve as a Vocational Training Centre for young people in and out of school. This initiative will give them the opportunity to learn and develop skills to improve their lives and communities. The centre is equipped with 5 sewing machines (3 electrical and 2 manual), computers, a space, and volunteers to train young people in sewing, IT, office management and secretarial duties and other economic skills.

A group of people sitting at desks in a room

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Bangem is a rural town in Kupe Muanenguba Division of the Southwest Region. The town has a population of approximately 25000 inhabitants mostly from the Bakossi tribe. The main occupation is farming in subsistence and cash crops such as cassava, plantains, cocoyams, maize, vegetables, coffee, fruits, etc. However, the deplorable state of the roads – with no access to farm to market roads makes it difficult for farmers to market their farm products. Bangem is also known for its major touristic attraction – the twin Muanenguba lakes.

Though relatively safe, Bangem was also affected by the conflict in the English-speaking regions. This led to a significant loss of educational and economic opportunity, devastating the lives of young people and their families. Traditionally reliant on farming and other small enterprise initiatives for their subsistence, those displaced by the violence lost access to cultivable lands and livestock, the equipment necessary to pursue entrepreneurial opportunities and to participate in regular schooling.

Our centre provides an opportunity for young people to pursue a dream of self-reliance through entrepreneurship. The initiative aims to foster income generation, self-reliance, self-sustenance, and community development through entrepreneurship.

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A group of children sitting at desks in a classroom

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Youth Mentorship and Empowerment Workshop Series I - III

Youth Mentorship and Empowerment Workshop Series I – III

Youth Mentorship and Empowerment Workshop Series I – III

A person addressing a group of people

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SODEI’s Youth Mentorship and Empowerment program (YMEP) aims to encourage personal and professional development of youths. We are aware that one of the major causes of youth unemployment is the huge skills gap, inadequate experience sharing from professionals and inadequate guidance for their economic and social development. Through the YMEP workshop series, a pool of professionals, businesspersons, and experts (mentors) are brought in periodically to speak to participants under chosen themes. These participants are later linked to these mentors for guidance. So far, three editions of this program have been organized with over 60 beneficiaries with a total of 9 mentors drawn from different careers.

The first YMEP workshop held on May 29 was an introductory session facilitated by the program coordinator, Tataw Ayuk Emilie. The beneficiaries were introduced to the idea of mentorship and its importance for youths. They also listened to the mentor of the day, Mme Rudrani Angira (a female software engineer in Microsoft Corporation, U.S.) through a recorded video where she shared her story. The beneficiaries got to learn how she got to her career, the challenges faced, how she overcame them and a word of encouragement. The session served as an encouragement to the female participants thinking of careers in STEM.

The second edition themed “Child/Youth Empowerment Initiative” on June 5, 2021 focused on providing a platform to educate beneficiaries on Youth Mentorship, Career Coaching and Sexual and Reproductive Health Education. With six (6) facilitators and a special guest, the participants had the opportunity to learn about topics relating to their development.

A group of people in a classroom

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The special guest of the day, Mr. Clement Ngosong shared his journey with the beneficiaries and the importance of Education in attaining dreams. He reiterated on the need to focus, making good choices and the importance of a good character in pursuit of education and a good life. A question-and-answer session followed with a brief bead making activity closing the event at 5pm.

A classroom full of students

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Workshop III held under the theme “Youth and Entrepreneurship” was facilitated by the Programme Coordinator Tataw Ayuk Emilie and featured 2 speakers, Masoma Boris-Karloff and Mokoli Freeman drawn from the fields of Journalism and Agriculture. During this session, participants learnt about concepts of entrepreneurship and the importance of youth involvement. They were taught on the importance of investing in their gifts and passions as a means developing entrepreneurial ventures.

Participants also learned success in career and entrepreneurial pursuits comes with resilience, patience, servitude and hard work. They discovered the importance of leveraging skills and being creative in their passion areas. They were encouraged to consider involving in agriculture, an area often neglected by youths.


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LESPLAY Special Holiday Program - July to August 2021

LESPLAY Special Holiday Program – July to August 2021

LESPLAY Special Holiday Program July to August 2021

1LSHP Limbe Closing

Fifty young people between the ages of 10 to 20 completed a five week’s LESPLAY special holiday program in our centres in Limbe and Bangem in the Southwest Region of Cameroon.

The LESPLAY special holiday program (LSHP) was launched on the 6th and 10th of July in Limbe and Bangem respectively and completed on the 18th of August, 2021.

LSHP Bangem Closing

2LSHP Bangem Closing

The effects of multiple crisis in the past couple of years affected learning patterns and caused psychological distress for school pupils and students in Cameroon. As a result, we decided to provide an opportunity for them to appreciate other forms of learning, play recreate, and gradually ease them into the upcoming academic year. The Ministry of Youth Affairs and Civic Education of Cameroon encourages such holiday activities where young people can recreate, play, relax and enjoy their holidays in a useful manner.

The program “LESPLAY Special Holidays” provided a platform for such impactful summer holiday activities where young people converged with their peers in a protective and friendly environment, and away from delinquencies.

LESPLAY inspires young persons, students, and children to develop a sense of purpose, life skills, empathy and social competences which will help them to achieve higher academic performance and actively contribute to the well-being of their greater community.

Activities for the LSHP included basic computer training, English and French language learning, mother tongue, arts, craft and games. At the end of the program, participants took part in quizzes and competitions for various prize awards.

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3LSHP Games

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4LSHP Arts & Craft

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5LSHP Bangem – Computer

LSHP Limbe Computer

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7LSHP Limbe Closing

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SODEI Releases Report on Digital Education in Cameroon

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Youth Mentorship and Empowerment Workshop Series – Peer Knowledge Transfer

Youth Mentorship and Empowerment Workshop Series: Peer Knowledge Transfer

A person standing in front of a group of people sitting at desks

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Digital transformation has greatly impacted our everyday lives especially for young people. Digital tools including the internet are increasing part of young people’s culture, having access at school and at homes, for schoolwork, games, social networking among others. Young people from poor backgrounds demonstrate agency in the way the find ways to circumvent the digital access gap to play a role in the digital society. Our earlier research on digital access in Cameroon found that they resort to the easiest and least costly means available such as after school programs and using cheap mobile phones to access low internet consuming mobile applications.

A group of people sitting in a room

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A wide digital access gap is a major challenge for young people in Africa. Limited digital infrastructure, unreliable internet and electricity supply among other things deprives them from realizing their full potentials using the technology.

A group of people sitting at computers

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In our continuous effort to bridge the digital access gap and create opportunities for young people to develop themselves through technology, our team initiated the Peer Knowledge Transfer project under the Youth Mentorship and Empowerment program.

The aim is to give these young beneficiaries a chance to learn a skill and pass it on to their peers through onsite sessions, where they get to share their knowledge.

We had our first edition taught by Gideon, a 15-year-old beneficiary at SODEI. Through him, others got to learn about creating videos using a video editing and creation app. They all had the opportunity to put what they learnt into practice at the end of the teaching exercise.

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A group of people sitting in a room with computers

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Хотя кроме того, что тут все долго, я недостатков не обнаружил. Работаю с Форексом уже более десяти лет, почти три года с CapitalProf. В принципе, особо не напрягает — все инструменты рабочие, все достаточно быстро реагирует. Удалось даже отработать несколько удачных стратегий, которые позволяют неплохо заработать. Что хорошо — низкие и фиксированные спреды, ордера рабочие. Так что для тех, кто ищет реальный пассивный доход — вполне можно рекомендовать.

Каких-то косяков в работе не заметил, исполнение ордеров четкое, котировки сильно не отличаются от средних по рынку, спред небольшой. Единственный бок, что повысили комиссионные и своп, а еще было одно проскальзывание на лемитнеке. Настолько жадный брокер, что при закрытзакрытие ордера на пятизнаке борется за каждый пункт. Часто нажимаю закрыть сделку, а компания присылает все новую и новую цену. Естественно выгодную для себя, но никак не для трейдера. Например был раньше бездепозитный бонус, так у него бонус был 5$.

Сотрудничество с данной компанией неминуемо приведет Вас к финансовым убыткам. Таким образом, можно резюмировать, что аферисты из ФХопен, создали все условия для развода пользователей, снимая с себя любую ответственность за неправомерную деятельность. Данный сайт использует файлы «cookie» с целью персонализации сервисов и повышения удобства пользования веб-сайтом. «Cookie» представляют собой небольшие файлы, содержащие информацию о предыдущих посещениях веб-сайта. OK Если вы не хотите использовать файлы «cookie», измените настройки браузера.

Автоматическая торговля

Вывод денег занимает пару часов, есть конечно брокеры и побыстрее, но меня вполне устраивает. На ECN комиссии только в этом году снижали два раза, конечно они самые низкие, а спреды всегда были хорошие. Мне нравится, что в есть вывод на вебмани, почему то во многих компаниях такой возможности нет. В компании произошли изменения правил верификации документов, это стоит учитывать при регистрации. В остальном все по прежнему, все работает средства выводят без проблем. География компании ФХ Опен продолжает расширяться.

Комиссия за неактивность счета

Из-за этого трейдерам может быть невыгодно торговать в долгосрок на CapitalProf. Для учебы можно открыть счет ECN, STP, Crypto в виртуальных долларах США. Сумму депозита и плечо вы выбираете самостоятельно в выпадающем меню. Лучше выбрать ту сумму, с которой вы планируете приступить к реальной торговле. Изначально CapitalProf был учебным центром по теханализу финансовых рынков.

CapitalProf обзор

Мало того, что они работают по правилам бирж, и торговля идет круглосуточно без выходных и перерывов, так еще и оптимальный выбор самой крипты есть. Если у кого и торговать, то как диверсификация с известными биржами вполне сгодится. Тут даже некое преимущество есть, ведь можно нормально анализ производить через МТ4, чего не скажешь про другие биржи, где графики просто ужасные, еще и онлайн все идет. Сам я пока торгую нормально криптой, только спред слегка напрягать последним Forex-платформа временем. Особенно заметно при писпсовке, когда каждый пункт дорогой выходит, и открытие не такое вкусное.

Один раз я не мог закрыть прибыльный ордер около часа. Я даже в поддержку написал и менеджеру позвонил. Целый час выдавало ошибку, а сам ордер закрыл мой менеджер с моего согласия. Со спредом было все нормально, сильно не расширяли, но после 3 недель торговли перед новостями у меня был просто космический спред. Снова пришлось писать в ТП, но мне сказали, что все хорошо.

Компания начала проводить угодайки в телеграмм и фейсбук, отличный способ начать торговать без вложения собственных средств. Подобный тандем сложно capitalprof отзывы сегодня встретить среди рядовых форекс-компаний. Лицензия CapitalProf от британского регулятора является дополнительным подтверждением надежности. Речь не идет о каком-либо офшоре или свободной экономической зоне. Брокер не скрывается от национальных регуляторов и даже сотрудничает с ЦБ РФ. Торговля на виртуальном счете осуществляется через платформу Metatrader, скачать которую бесплатно предлагается по завершению регистрации Demo.

В общем, торговать можно как через биржу, только с существенным плечом и в привычном мне метатредере. Жалко, что у них только мажорные криптовалюты, всякой разной живности и новеньких криптовалют не найти. Зато есть плечо, и можно неплохим лотом заходить.

Отправьте запрос на удаление аккаунта, указав свои данные и причины удаления. Служба поддержки рассмотрит ваш запрос и предоставит дальнейшие инструкции для завершения процедуры удаления аккаунта. Однако, брокер мог бы предложить больше материалов и услуг для трейдеров, в том числе ведение валютных сигналов, более подробные аналитические отчеты и расширенное покрытие новостей.

LESPLAY: Children’s play during conflict and emergencies in Cameroon: A paper presented by SODEI’s Executive Director Gilbert Ajebe Akame, at the #PowerOfPlay Conference organised by the Children and Childhood Network of the University of Birmingham UK.

LESPLAY: Children’s play during conflict and emergencies in Cameroon: A paper presented by SODEI’s Executive Director Gilbert Ajebe Akame, at the #PowerOfPlay Conference organised by the Children and Childhood Network of the University of Birmingham UK.


 For over 4 years, children in the English-speaking regions of Cameroon have experienced disruptions in normal functioning of school resulting mainly from this crisis. What is now known as the ‘Anglophone problem’, has its roots in Cameroon’s colonial history and heritage. Certain events in the early 1990s, including the emergence of multi-party politics and the 1993 all Anglophone Conference, marked the awaking of the Anglophone political consciousness. During the period after decolonisation, a series of events occurred leading up to the May 1972 referendum that saw the move from a Federal to a Unitary state. The complex historical developments are still at the centre of present-day challenges leading to the current conflict.[ii] Since the early 1990s, Anglophones have created pressure groups and used different methods and channels to push their agenda. The recent conflict started with a ‘sit-in strike’ initiated by lawyers on the 11 of October 2016 and later joined by teachers a month later. The action was aimed at protesting against perceived assimilation of the Anglophone education and legal traditions inherited from the British. Wider protests soon broke across the entire region against alleged systemic marginalization of the English-speaking minority and has since morphed into a complex socio-political conflict.

An asymmetrical conflict in nature, with a highly powerful, well equipped army on the one hand, and a complex web of non-state armed groups using guerrilla tactics on the other hand. This makes the situation highly fluid and risky for civilians, especially for children, women and girls. The International Crisis Group noted in 2019 that:

Violence has claimed around 3,000 lives, displaced half a million people within Cameroon, compelled another 40,000 to flee to Nigeria, deprived 700,000 children of school­ing in their home areas and left one in three people in the Anglophone regions in need of humanitarian aid.[iii]

Traditional education and outdoor play activities have been seriously hampered. School children encountered during a need assessment conducted on behalf of SODEI in some primary and secondary schools repeatedly mentioned their desire to continue learning and leading a normal school life. In the last year the effects of Covid-19 have complicated the situation for the children whose lives were already devastated by the conflict.

Impact of the conflict on children’s learning and play

The conflict has had a severe impact on children’s play and their overall learning experience. By the end of 2019, UNICEF and OCHA reported that 90 percent of public primary schools and 77 percent of secondary schools in the Northwest and Southwest regions were closed or non-operational, and that 91 percent of school-aged children remained out of school. Despite the reported increase in school attendance as of January 2020, over 70% of children have been unable to attend school mostly due to parent’s fear for their safety as the conflict persists.[iv] School pupils and teachers have been targeted, kidnapped, maimed, and killed. An example is the incident where at least 7 children were killed, and more than a dozen injured, during a school attack at Mother Francisca International Bilingual Academy in Kumba, Southwest region in October 2020.[v]

The threats and violence have created an atmosphere of fear and continued to negatively affect children’s lives both in and out of school. The situation was further exacerbated by the global health emergency brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.   During this period of the conflict and emergency, we have observed resilience in children in this part of the country, most of whom have remained in the conflict affected regions and found ways to navigate through the challenging circumstances. Our LESPLAY project provided one of such platforms where children could interact with their peers, play and learn.

Needs Assessment

During a research I conducted with children from primary and secondary schools, they all expressed their desire to be in school, to learn and play with their peers. I worked together with some of the children involved in the research to create the LESPLAY platform.

The one thing that was common to all the children we interacted with was their desire to continue with their normal way of life. Interestingly, some said they were happy at the beginning of the conflict when they were asked to stay at home. It was an opportunity for them to run around and play with friends. However, they later realized it was not what they had imagined, having to stay at home for many months.

Alpha Little Learners Learning Ladder Academy (ALLLA)

ALLLA, a school for underprivileged children located in Mutengene in the Southwest region of Cameroon, participated in the needs assessment and served as the main point of inspiration for our LESPLAY project. Children in this school are from very poor backgrounds who are given the opportunity to learn though under very difficult conditions. They often lack the means to pay fees, buy learning material, uniforms and sometimes food. The founder of the school has a very inspiring story and a big heart; she relies on income from a small drug store to operate the school, including providing meals for the children.   As it relates to play, I observed zero options for outdoor play and no designated playground. The surface around the school compound which could serve as play space is filled with rocks. Insecurity caused them to be confined in this very tiny space with a rough surface, limiting their ability to play

I also found that the entire school made up of 200+ pupils has just over a dozen play toys, mostly donated by visitors and well-wishers, which the children gather around to play.

Learn, Speak and Play (LESPLAY)

For the past year, my organisation SODEI has conducted a pilot of LESPLAY – a project aimed at providing an alternative for children experiencing disruptions in normal functioning of schools in the English-speaking regions of Cameroon, by engaging them through creative informal learning, participatory action, peer interaction and play.

The concept LESPLAY was inspired by three important rights of the child – the rights to education, participation, and play. I believe these rights of the child are interrelated and if provided for, work together to ensure the development of the child’s full potentials. LESPLAY is a SODEI concept and a platform for children and young persons to express themselves through creative arts and play. It applies a rights-based approach based on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).

Rights-Based Approach

Our LESPLAY platform provides the opportunity for children to develop their full potential through learning, interacting, and playing with their peers. This program provides an alternative for children experiencing disruptions in normal functioning of schools by engaging them in creative informal learning, participatory action, a space for peer interaction and play.  LESPLAY was crafted based on three important UNCRC rights cited above. Article 28 recognizes the right of every child to education, meanwhile Article 29 provides for purposes of education which include among others: the development of the child’s personality, talents, mental abilities. It further provides that the goal of education is to “empower the child by developing his or her skills, learning and other capacities, human dignity, self-esteem and self-confidence.”

On its part, the UNCRC Article 12 provides for the right of the child who is capable of forming views to freely express those views in all matters affecting him or her and for those views to be given due weight in accordance with the age and maturity of the child. The Article forms one of the general principles for the interpretation and realization of all UNCRC rights which implies…

Article 31 of the UNCRC sets out children’s right to rest, leisure and play, cultural life and the arts (the ‘Article 31 rights’). Widely acknowledged as central to children’s health, development and happiness. UN General Comment 31 emphasises on the holistic understanding of Art 31 “Each element of Article 31 is mutually linked and reinforcing, and when realized, serves to enrich the lives of children”.

There is a clear interrelationship between the right to play, to education and to participation. Play is essential for children’s learning and development. Meanwhile, children’s ability to form views in line with Article 12 is predicated on their development of such capacities. The UNCRC recognises this interdependence as well the equal importance of the Convention rights including the rights to play, education and participation. While these are all separate rights enacted under the Convention, the UNCRC Committee has for example grouped the right to education with the right to play within the State Party reporting procedures, raising concerns mainly from researchers of children’s play.

Play and children’s learning & development

The UNCRC Committee has emphasized the importance of leisure and play for young people by referencing in multiple general comments (GC) including GC 7 and GC 9 prior to the enactment of GC 17. According to the Committee in GC 7:

The value of creative play and exploratory learning is widely recognized in early childhood education. Yet realizing the right to rest, leisure and play is often hindered by a shortage of opportunities for young children to meet, play and interact in child-centred, secure, supportive, stimulating and stress-free environments.

Social science research including childhood studies has established the importance of play in children’s learning and development and the relationship between play and children’s ability to develop themselves and their personality and to thrive. Play is a distinctive feature in early childhood: through play, children challenge their developing capacities (Lester & Russell, 2010).[vi] Skills across all developmental domains can be encouraged through play, including motor, cognitive and social and emotional skills. Educational games especially in the computer age can be an important part of learning (Bourdillon, 2011).[vii]


SODEI Youth Resource Centre in Limbe Cameroon provides access to a space, indoor games, play books, drawing material and tutors. Sessions are held every Saturday with an average of 15 participants per session. LESPLAY participants visit public playgrounds for the kids and the LESPLAY Caravan brings play and creative arts activities to partner schools and nearby communities.

The children who take part in our LESPLAY sessions engage in creative arts and craft, play games among other activities. One hour between the sessions is designated for games and one Saturday of every month is designated entirely for play. We have at our disposal games including CHESS, SCRABBLE, LEGO, QUIZ. Much focus is placed on the chess game for its ability to improve on children’s learning, thinking and analytical skills.


In the absence of child-friendly playgrounds, children attending schools in disadvantaged neighbourhoods play randomly around the school compound, sometimes on rugged terrain as is the case with ALLLA. The conflict and insecurity have affected the outdoor games which used to be the only available and affordable option for most children in the region. As a result, preference was given to indoor activities, which have also been disrupted by the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic living many children with limited play options. Our LESPLAY platform provided one of the viable alternatives for children to play and interact with the peers though on a very small scale and a limited impact.


The LESPLAY platform brings together children from disadvantaged backgrounds affected by crisis, providing a useful opportunity for continuous learning, after-school learning support and play. Our youth resource centre provides a safe space and access to child-friendly indoor games. In 2020 we organised 30+ weekly sessions, benefiting 50+ children.

We have established a partnership with a school for disadvantaged children with over 150 pupils, with about 50 having so far participated in LESPLAY.  The 2020 edition of the competition involved 10 young people competing in junior and senior categories. Contestants were to choose between two themes for their art – the rights of the child and protection of the environment. One of the winners in the senior category based his artwork on the right to education, highlighting the need for a safe and secure learning environment.

The LESPLAY pilot justified SODEI’s principled view of young people as having the ability to tap into their unique potentials and make a difference for themselves and communities when given the chance. The project also highlighted the importance of alternative and creative ways of acquiring and using knowledge, the significance of after-school learning support and play for young people’s development. The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted indoor activities and further shrank the space and opportunities for children’s play and leisure activities.

Despite this limitation,   we were able to create an impact and make a difference for some young people during the challenging times, including on their mental health awareness. According to participants’ testimonies, LESPLAY provided a useful opportunity for them to continue learning, playing and interacting with friends, follow up effectively with schoolwork during school disruptions, and learn new and useful economic skills. One participant, Ivo, in his feedback on LESPLAY 2020, observed that his favourite LESPLAY sessions were those based on mental health, self-esteem and body image. He stated that: “I got to see the importance of our mental health just like our physical health, to best handle dilemmas. Again, I got to know we are all unique and special and no one has the right to put us down”.

Sodei's Statement

SODEI’s Statement on Violence in Schools in the Anglophone Regions of Cameroon

SODEI exists to champion and empower children and young people through extending educational opportunities, encouraging civic engagement and nurturing youth participation. We believe unconditionally in the rights of children and young people to self-expression, equal opportunities and, most importantly, access to education. Furthermore, we believe in the importance of education as a universal right not only to improve and protect the lives of young people, but also to increase the potential of any society for growth, stability and equality. In light of these values, we are compelled to publicly declare our condemnation of any barriers to education and self-development that may affect children living in conflict zones or areas in which education has been targeted by violence and persecution.

In the Anglophone regions of Cameroon there is an ongoing crisis between politically opposed forces which has led to conflict ravaging the Southwest and Northwest regions of the country. Much of this violence is targeted at local communities and, in particular, at schools, with pupils and teachers frequently facing attacks. The atrocities that have been perpetrated during these attacks have directly affected the areas in which SODEI works and operates. Schools have been regularly assaulted by armed groups, and tragically this has led to the loss of many lives and the horrific traumatisation of many children and teachers. SODEI would like to extend our deepest sympathies, solidarity and support to those affected and their families, and condemn in the strongest terms any further violence against school children and their teachers.

The continued disruption of children’s education in the Anglophone regions will have long lasting consequences on their development, and on the development of their communities. Education and development are intrinsically linked: schools and formal educational settings are pivotal in “helping individuals achieve their own economic and social and cultural objectives and helping society to be better protected, better served by its leaders and more equitable in important ways... Schooling helps children develop creatively and emotionally and acquire the skills, knowledge, values and attitudes necessary for responsible, active and productive citizenship” (Colclough 2004).i Formal education settings provide not only the cognitive development children need to thrive, but the emotional settings and social development that will equip them with the tools to participate effectively in their community. Continued denial of education not only harms the individual child in the short term as they grow and mature but also damages their community’s long term development goals.

Without education, “Poverty will remain intractable, disadvantage will continue to be transmitted across the generations, and

economic growth will be compromised by shortages of knowledge and skill in the work force” (Lewin and Akyeampong 2009).

As part of the international Safe Schools Declaration, Cameroon as a nation has a responsibility to ensure that safe access to education can be provided to every child. The atrocities perpetrated in recent years are violations of all human rights, and the rights of the child to safety, security, and education. More about our commitment to the Safe Schools Declaration, the UN SDGs, including on equitable access to quality education, can be found on our website and social media. Our detailed Baseline Research on the school crisis in the Anglophone regions can be accessed on the education and resources pages. More information on the right to education can be found on our resources page ‘Factsheet on the Right to Education’, and information about overcoming the barriers to education posed in the Anglophone regions will be regularly included in our updates.

Биржа Huobi в России в 2025: работает ли Хуоби с россиянами в условиях санкций и ограничений

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Huobi была основана в 2013 году и является одной из самых динамично развивающихся компаний в криптовалютной индустрии, стремящейся к глобальному присутствию. Биржа нацелена на трейдеров с различным уровнем опыта и капиталом, делая мир криптовалют доступным для всех. Сегодня я расскажу вам о платформе, которая занимает почетное место в списке ведущих китайских криптобирж и занимает вторую позицию в мировом рейтинге по объему торговли. Приобрести/продать таким образом можно монеты USDT, BTC, ETH, USDD, TRX или HT.

Пополнение криптовалютами стейблкоинами

p2p huobi как пользоваться

Для пополнения вашего аккаунта с помощью ввода средств введите сумму, которую хотите перевести на ваш счет. Для пополнения счета с использованием электронных платежных систем (ЭПС) или других сервисов, нажмите “пополнить” и следуйте инструкциям. Для пополнения счета вам необходимо нажать на раздел “Пополнить” в левом верхнем углу страницы. Затем выберите тип фиатной валюты, в которой вы хотите пополнить свой счет. Обычно это USD или EUR, однако также есть возможность пополнить в других фиатных валютах, указав нужную сумму. На Хуоби П2П вы можете выбрать криптовалюту, которую хотите купить или продать, а затем просмотреть доступных продавцов и их предложения.

О сайте

Маржинальная торговля подразумевает увеличение объема операций трейдера при тех же имеющихся у него капиталах. Что, соответственно, может привести к большей прибыли, если сделка прошла успешно. С другой стороны, при неудачном результате, трейдер рискует потерять не только собственные, но и заемные средства. Статистика говорит о том, что объемы сделок на бирже Huobi являются одними из самых больших в мире. Это говорит о высокой ликвидности платформы и максимально быстром закрытии сделок.

Можно ли торговать без верификации?

Многие из них могут выглядеть вполне законно и даже привлекать заманчивыми предложениями. Однако важно уметь распознавать признаки сомнительных сервисов, чтобы избежать потери средств. Рассмотрим, на что нужно обращать внимание при выборе биржи или обменника. Биржа Huobi позволяет пополнять счет с использованием стейблкоинов, таких как USDT. Для этого вам нужно выбрать соответствующую валюту и указать адрес вашего кошелька для перевода.

Если в течение трех дней реакции нет, обратитесь в техподдержку. Поэтому рекомендуется всем желающим активно пользоваться биржей пройти на ней верификацию (проверку KYC, Know Your Customer). На бирже Huobi торговля криптоактивами происходит в спотовом или маржинальном терминалах.

В случае мошенничества со стороны других пользователей, есть вероятность потерять свои средства без возможности восстановления. Это является серьезной проблемой и вызывает опасения у многих инвесторов. Кроме того, длительность процесса подтверждения операций на Huobi П2П может быть несколько дольше, чем на других платформах, что может вызывать некоторое неудобство. Для продажи криптовалюты, необходимо выбрать на странице P2P-торговли пункт “Продать”, и воспользоваться такими же фильтрами и функциями, что и при покупке. А единственным отличием при выборе подходящего лота станет то, что необходимо нажать на кнопку “Продать USDT”. Решение проблемы доверия людей друг к другу в мире криптовалют – одна из основных миссий сервиса.

Однако успешные расследования, использование блокчейн-анализа и программного инструментария дают надежду на успешное преследование преступников и возвращение украденных средств. Важно помнить, что безопасность криптовалютных активов — ответственность самих пользователей и соблюдать осторожность при операциях с криптовалютой необходимо на всех уровнях. Когда речь идет о хранении криптовалюты, безопасность — один из самых важных моментов, который напрямую влияет на сохранность ваших средств. В отличие от обычных фиатных валют, криптовалюты не имеют центральных органов контроля, и ответственность за защиту средств полностью лежит на владельце.

  • Вспоминая историю с крахом платформы FTX, требуется подобрать кошелёк, а для диверсификации лучше сразу 2.
  • Для покупки нужно, чтобы цена срабатывания было меньше последней стоимости.
  • Благодаря своим особенностям, он позволяет пользователям безопасно и эффективно участвовать в торговле криптовалютами и получать максимальную отдачу от своих инвестиций.
  • Отправив документы, дождитесь ответа от биржи – проверка завершается в течение 24 часов.

Проблема заключается в том, что криптовалюты могут быть быстро перемещены между адресами и их владельцы могут скрываться за анонимными адресами. Мошенники часто игнорируют клиентов или предоставляют им плохую поддержку. Это могут быть скидки на комиссию или премии в виде криптовалюты.

Для максимального уровня безопасности рекомендуется включить двухфакторную авторизацию. Для этого необходимо установить приложение Google Authenticator и настроить привязку в том же разделе «Защита» биржевого аккаунта. Давайте начнем с cамой популярной, среди данных бирж, а именно Huobi.

Поэтому каждый пользователь сможет пополнить баланс с помощью фиатных и цифровых валют, а также торговля по модели P2P. Стоит также отметить то, что в приложении также доступен демо счет, вывод, а также бонусы в рублях, которые можно получить введя специальный промокод. На бирже Huobi P2P (питупи) предоставляет множество инструментов и мер безопасности для защиты пользователей от мошенничества и несанкционированного доступа к их средствам. Huobi P2P — это платформа для национальной и международной торговли криптовалютой. Она может помочь с покупкой и продажей цифровых активов друг другу на основе установленных ими цен без вмешательства от третьих лиц.

Если возникают дополнительные вопросы или проблемы, обращайтесь в службу поддержки Huobi. Новичкам важно выбрать удобную и надежную платформу для первых шагов. Ниже мы рассмотрим ряд вопросов, которые задают пользователи службе поддержки, а также вводят запросы в поисковых системах, чтобы облегчить вам работу с платформой Huobi.

Для этого p2p huobi как пользоваться надо навести мышкой на пункт “Купить криптовалюту” в верхнем меню сайта и нажать на подраздел сайта “P2P”. Сервис Huobi P2P предлагает ряд особенностей, делающие его одним из лидеров на рынке цифровых активов. Во-первых, предлагает надежную и безопасную платформу для покупки и продажи цифровых активов.

SODEI’s Computer Training Program for Children Accepting New Learners

Since the 4th of August 2020, SODEI Limbe Center has been offering classes to children aged 8-16 on how to use a computer. This has been a great opportunity for children of all backgrounds and a total of 23 students were able to come and learn about computing. As some of the attendees had an experience of using computers before, they were able to collaborate with their peers making this a rich environment to learn. Due to the pandemic, the classes ran in a Covid-friendly way and both the students and instructors were able to participate safely.


Epee Dina Regine, 12 years old, highlighted that “coming to learn computer in SODEI is a great achievement for me. When we started school last year, computing was my most hated subject and I never saw the importance of it in my life or studies. As I hated the subject, I was unable to have a pass mark in it, but now the classes have deepened my understanding of the importance of learning how to use a computer in my life and career. I can now type very well using Mavis Beacon, edit word documents, and create folders to save documents. Going back to school, I believe I will be the best student in computer sciences because I am no more scared of the subject, I can even teach some of my friends who were also running away from the classes, thanks to SODEI and our teacher who gave us assignments to help us better understand the lessons in a word document. There is a great difference between the way we are taught in school and what SODEI taught me. `I now like computer science. “

The program asked for a small contribution towards the cost of the program, however, it also provided free classes to those children who did not have the means to contribute.

Jevestine Ludacris, 10 years old, was a victim of the Anglophone Crisis and therefore was in Limbe as an internally displaced person, was one of those students. Jevestine was living in a village called Kwa Kwa in Mbonge Sub-Division in the southwest region of Cameroon. He said his house was burnt by the military and lost everything. His family came to Limbe to live with his grandmother.  When his father heard about the classes, he decided to make some inquiries about the cost of registration but was encouraged by our manager Susan to come and that SODEI would train him for free. Jevestine highlighted, “I can now sit on a computer and type my story in a word document. I also know how to use the keyboard and its functions. SODEI has given me the opportunity to express myself and the courage to face life despite the challenges.“

Award of Certificates of Completion

Due to the success of the program, it will now run on a rolling basis depending on the availability of participants. For more information:

Contact SODEI Community Centre,

BOTA FARMS, Limbe – Cameroon

TEL: +237 676636329