LESPLAY Creative Arts Session December, 7 2019: Focus on Gender-based Violence and Bullying in and out of School Milieus

Today’s LESPLAY Creative Arts session was organized and conducted by our creative and dedicated trio, Justin Ndomi, Tataw Ayuk Emilie and Ruth Tebah.

Emilie who is our Communications Associate enlightened our young participants on the basic definitions of gender and gender-based violence (GBV), with specific emphasis on psychological violence and bullying prevalent among school children in and out of school milieus.

The session was organized in consonance with the ongoing 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence. In the next session, our volunteer team will continue to teach the young participants about Violence Against Women (VAW), the effects of violence against women, the importance of bringing this unfortunate and harmful practice to and end and the responsibility involved at all levels of our society.

Most importantly, the young participants are going to be learning their role in the realization of the curbing and ending of GBV. At the end they will be tasked to express their own views about VAW through drawing and sketching. This will then be complied and documented into their narratives of VAW.

Stop Violence against Women (VAW) SODEI’s Basic Lexicon

What is Violence Against Women?

Violence against women (VAW), also known as gender-based violence are violent acts whose victims are primarily or exclusively women or girls. It is any act that aims to take advantage of a perceived weakness and incapacity that has been attributed to women and girls.

Why is VAW bad?

It is bad because it inflicts deep physical and psychological wounds and it is committed against women or girls specifically because they are female. VAW can take many forms. It can be physical, psychological, mental, and even social and economic.

Who commits VAW?

Men and women alike could be responsible for VAW. Unfortunately, most cultures and traditions encourage discriminatory practices against women which is why acts which constitute violence against women have persisted for so long.

What are the effects of VAW?

Because of the difference between men and women and the traditional roles assigned to them, violent acts affect women and girls differently and consequently weaken the society.

Who is responsible for ending VAW?

We all are: Men, women, boys and girls. Women and girls deserve equal opportunities to achieve their full potential and live a life free from all forms of discrimination so that they can participate in all aspects as equal members of society.

Why is it important to stop Violence against women?

Violence against women and girls hampers not only the personal development of the victims but adversely affects the development of a society as a whole. No society will progress if half of or a considerable portion of its population faces discrimination.

What can we do?

Acknowledge our differences but respect our equality. Treat each other with the respect and dignity which we deserve as human beings. It is the responsibility of each one of us to make the world we live in a better one.

The United nations has declared November 25th the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and for the 16 days following this day, an international annual campaign of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence is carried out.

The official color of this Campaign is Orange. The He for She campaign is another campaign which invites men and women alike to stand in solidarity with women and girls to create a world where we are all equal. Let us Orange the World. The change begins with every one of us.

SODEI Participates in the 16 days of Activism against Gender Based Violence, 2019 and Celebrates International Human Rights Day.

Every year, from the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on November 25th to the 10th of December, which is the International Human Rights Day, a 16 days campaign is carried out against gender-based violence (GBV). The aim of this campaign is to raise awareness on issues of (GBV) which affect women and girls all over the world. The 16 days of Activism against Gender Based Violence campaign is observed this year under the theme “Orange the World: Generation Equality Stands Against Rape”.

Rape is one of the most despicable ills which continues to persist in our society today. UN Women (2019) describes this unfortunate occurrence as something which destroys bodies and minds and puts peace in jeopardy. Its main victims are women and girls which is why it has often been classified as a gender-based crime which targets vulnerable persons and takes advantage of them in the worst way. For some victims of these acts of rape, the results are STIs and or unwanted pregnancies in addition to trauma which brutally changes their lives forever.

Without a doubt, rape is not only a crime against its victims but also their families and communities which are left with the difficult task of helping them to rebuild their lives. Rape has persisted in most societies because it is rooted in the culture of inequality between men and women, boys and girls. Unfortunately, when this despicable act happens, society mostly blames the victims instead of the perpetrators contributing to the culture of silence which has for many generations developed around the occurrence of rape.

What can we do to strengthen the position of our society against rape and to ensure that we have the capacity to fight against rape?

Education is key in preventing and responding to GBV in the form of rape. To encourage a society without violence is to educate about respect, consent, equality, dignity and most importantly to care for one another. The most important tool to fight against any problem is knowledge. It is imperative to be deliberate about disseminating information and discrediting cultures which allow rape to flourish to save the lives and dignities of many young persons.

This year is the first time SODEI is participating in the 16 days Activism Campaign. The Message SODEI sends out to Youth in Cameroon is this:

  • Have respect for one another. Do no harm and allow no harm
  • Only yes means yes. Women and girls are persons too
  • Everyone is equal before the law and before God
  • Treat everyone with dignity
  • Do not use someone’s weaknesses against them.

Strength comes from fighting for what is right. SODEI as a youth centered organization aims to empower and contribute to build upstanding members of the “Generation Equality” by educating boys and girls, grooming them to develop zero tolerance for this very harmful act and encourage respect for and towards each other’s personalities and most importantly clear communication. Youths are just as likely to be victims as they are to be perpetrators, so it is imperative to build a generation of responsible youths. The next generation of adults has to be given the tools to rise up to the challenges of the 21st Century by waking them up to the possibilities and potentials which they embody and most importantly teaching them of the errors of the past generations as a matter of inspiration to not repeat errors.

Through art and other educative and innovative activities, SODEI pledges to stand firmly against rape. This has already begun in the course of the LESPLAY (Learn, Speak, Play) Project, which uses art and expression as a means to educate children on GBV with special emphasis on psychological violence and bullying which is common amongst school children. SODEI also joins the rest of the world to celebrate International Human Rights Day by reiterating the importance of respecting and protecting the rights of children and young persons, especially their rights to learn, to equal opportunities and to participate in decision making, suitable for their development as individuals and as members of their society.


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Apply For The Call for Trustees

Please email your cover letter and curriculum vitae to admin@sodei.org
Application Deadline: No later than 15 February 2020

NB: Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis so early submission is encouraged.
We thank all applicants for their interest, however only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview.

Celebrates The First International Day Of Education

On December 3rd, 2018, the United Nations GA adopted a resolution to celebrate the international day of education, slated for January 24th2019. This celebration was to recognize the foundation role of #educationfor peace and development. This decision was adopted during the Global Education meeting held at Brussels and lasted from 3-5th of December. This resolution thus demonstrated the world’s will and determination to providing quality education to all and achieving sustainable development by 2030.

This significant celebration reiterates the benefits of education for development and peace, quality education and the rights of the student community. This celebration didn’t only highlight the importance of education but equally its significance in achieving other SDGs by 2030. Education helps in eradicating poverty, providing livelihood, improving health and sanitation, attaining gender equality and reduced crime among others. Education being a human right, is also a common good and public responsibility. In a nutshell, promoting education is one of the most vital points to be acted upon in every progressive society ,adapting to modernized academic programs.

It is to this effect that the Southwest Development and Emancipation Initiative (SODEI);a charitable NGO working to promote community development and Emancipation in the southwest region of Cameroon through education, took upon themselves to empower students in secondary schools in Buea. Empowering them to rise above poverty, conflict and violence in order to create positive change in the country.

SODEI organized a two days outreach in secondary schools in Buea on the 24 and 25 of January2019 respectively to celebrate the International Day of Education in Summer set Bilingual High school and Baptism High school with the theme: Youth Participation in their Education. The targeted classes where forms 1-4, the students were engaged in a series of participatory and interactive activities. The organization team members gave them a brief summary of what education was all about, its importance and why it should be celebrated. The students were shared into groups and together they came up with different ideas to build an educational tree.

This was crowned with the distribution of learning materials such as books, pens, calculators, math set, and rulers to enhance their learning. SODEI also handed a copy of the Safe Schools Declaration to the school principals. They all expressed gratitude as they received these gifts. The outcome of the events in the schools was positive as the students took the lead and actively engaged in the various interactive activities. Participants took home important messages on education to pass on to their parents and the communities.

Za to tehniko smo izvedeli v izobraževalnem centru Segrert Sessual. In res lahko pogoltne tvojega moškega! Izmenično stiskalni gibi dlani spodbudijo osnovo soda člana, hkrati pa sesajo ustnice glave glave, jezik pomaga Bridle. Nato nepričakovano za moške drastično ustavijo viagra brez recepta na glavi, hkrati pa se pojavi zvok “klofuta”. Roke še naprej stiskajo osnovo člana.

IDPs Bonaberi

SODEI reaches out to Internally Displaced Persons in Douala – Cameroon
On the 24th of December 2018, SODEI carried out another outreach in Bonaberi, Douala, Littoral Region Cameroon. In line with our determination to fight against poverty, hunger and human suffering we reached out to the internally displaced persons (IDPs) running from conflict in the Northwest and Southwest regions and hosted by some sympathizers in Douala. The outreach mainly targeted families and children directly affected by the conflict in the two English-speaking regions and without basic means of survival as a result of displacement and loss of means of survival.

SODEI #Youths4Peace team alongside SODEI Youth Ambassadors Helen and Justin went with Christmas presents including food and dresses for the affected families. Food items such as rice, magi, spaghetti and salt were distributed to the families directly affected by the conflict. Play toys and dresses were equally distributed to children of the affected families. About 50 children benefited from this gesture. They event was full of smiles as the kids and their families were happy and appreciated their gifts and thanked the SODEI team for the gesture of kindness during the Christmas season.

The families expressed gratitude towards SODEI for reaching out in times of distress and suffering. The children sang Christmas carols and danced with the SODEI team. The SODEI team also made further inquiries about the living conditions of these families. Many problems were raised including poor health and sanitary conditions, lack of portable drinking water and the lack of access to education for the children.

SODEI is looking forward to another visit to offer items such as mattresses to these families. Your kind gestures of support will be much appreciated….

SODEI Launches Learn, Play & Speak (LESPLAY) To Commemorate World Children’s Day

LESPLAY is a SODEI concept combining three rights crucial for the development of full potentials of the child – the rights to education, to be heard and to play. LESPLAY is a platform for children and young people to express themselves through creative arts and other extracurricular activities. It combines arts, computer training and reading to provide kids with a wholesome learning experience.

LE in LESPLAY stands for Learn. We believe in the right to quality education and most importantly access to education for children. All children should be able to learn under favorable conditions.

S in LESPLAY stands for Speak. We believe in children’s right to be heard in matters concerning them. It is important for children to be agents in the development of their potentials by expressing their views on the world they want to live in and their role in making it so.

Play is more than just fun for children; it is how they learn and grow. Play is essential for children’s overall health and development. It allows children to attain physical, cognitive and emotional growth and strength. All children have the right to education, to be heard and to play. These interrelated rights are important for the development of the full potentials of the child.

The goal of LESPLAY is to inspire and empower disadvantaged children and young people by providing a safe space for fun and learning. We believe in a world where all children have access to quality education and are prepared for the challenges of the 21 century. We aim to contribute to a resilient generation of youths by providing some of the tools necessary to prepare children to be able to play an active role in the sustainable development and advancement of their communities.

The project launch coincides with World Children’s Day 2019. SODEI used this opportunity to celebrate the day with children by organizing a series of activities. Kids took part in the first drawing exercise which involved sketching and learning about their rights. They also took part in a quiz involving children’s rights. In all, it was a colorful and fun filled day for the kids who left satisfied and excited for the next LESPLAY session.

Общее количество просмотров Finversia-TV превысило 10 миллионов Банковское обозрение

Проект Finversia вошел в TOP-20 самых цитируемых финансовых СМИ России по версии «Медиалогии» и в TOP-25 самых посещаемых финансовых сайтов по версии Liveinternet. Еженедельно на канале выходит около 20 ТВ-сюжетов. Общее количество просмотров с момента открытия канала – около 9 миллионов. При использовании любых материалов активная ссылка на сайт history-kazan.ru обязательна. 2006 – В Сабинском районе Татарстана была презентована первая в России тестовая зона эфирного цифрового телевещания радиусом 30 км. Глава Правительства РТ Рустам Минниханов и гендиректор ФГУП “Российская телевизионная радиовещательная сеть” Геннадий Скляр подписали соглашение об организации цифрового ТВ-вещания и внедрении новых вещательных технологий на территории республики. Данная статья — часть каталога сайтов, ведущегося в Викиреальности.

finversia тв

На подобные статьи не распространяется ряд правил основного пространства, каталог может включать статьи, размещенные в порядке рекламы. Основные разделы, ссылки на которые вынесены в шапку страниц сайта — Экономика, Рынки, Инвестиции, Форекс, Криптовалюты, Информация, Информеры. В ходе марафона вы можете задать свои вопросы и получить консультацию от председателя Комитета Государственной Думы России по финансовому рынку Анатолия Аксакова. Перепечатка или воспроизедение указанных материалов допускается только с письменного разрешения редакции. Редакция журнала не несет ответственности за содержание рекламных материалов.


По словам главного редактора Finversia Яна Арта, «цель нашего телеграм-канала – обеспечить возможность быть в курсе оперативной ситуации на инвестиционных рынках в максимально комфортном для пользователей формате – с помощью канала и уведомлений в телефоне». Мульти-медиа Finversia.ru превысило отметку в 100 тысяч подписчиков (сайт, ютуб-канал, канал в Яндекс-Дзен, канал в Телеграм, мобильное приложение). С 10 февраля Finversia-TV открыло ежедневное новостное вещание. Каждое утро на канале будет выходить оперативный ТВ-обзор основных событий мирового финансового рынка, в начале каждой недели – аналитика и прогнозы на неделю и ТВ-обзор предстоящей экономической статистики. В мульти-медиа Finversia, кроме канала Finversia-TV, входит также портал Finversia.ru.

«Ядром» проекта является канал Finversia-TV, который осуществляет ежедневное новостное вещание и включает разделы «Новости финансового рынка», «Финансы. Фондовый рынок», «Личные финансы. Управление деньгами», «Обучение. Книги», «Трейдинг с Яном Артом», «Актуальное с Анатолием Аксаковым», «Финансовый лекторий Эмкварта», «Финансовая журналистика», ряд обучающих видео-курсов, специальные разделы Национального совета финансового рынка, Ассоциации форекс-дилеров, Совета по профессиональным квалификациям финансового рынка и другие. Кроме того, в меню канала Finversia-TV – разделы «Личные финансы», «Люди», «Репортажи», специальные подразделы Национальной ассоциации профессиональных коллекторских агентств, Национального совета финансового рынка, Совета по профессиональным квалификациям финансового рынка, Ассоциации форекс-дилеров и авторские разделы «Актуальное с Анатолием Аксаковым» и «Трейдинг с Яном Артом. Кроме того Finversia-TV включает специальные разделы Национальной ассоциации профессиональных коллекторских агентств, Ассоциации форекс-дилеров, Национального финансового совета, Совета по профессиональным квалификациям финансового рынка и других финансовых объединений. В числе специальных проектов канала — «Ищем логику с Эльманом Мехтиевым», «Актуальное с Анатолием Аксаковым» (совместный видео-проект с председателем Комитета Госдумы России по финансовому рынку Анатолием Аксаковым), программа «Стоп.

Здесь собраны приложения на базе MTProto, переведена некоторая документация с официального сайта, а также работает Webogram. Finversia.ru представляет финансовую версию разнообразных экономических новостей. Finversia.ru— портал финансовой информации, посвященный частным инвестициям, управлению личными финансами, экономической и финансовой аналитике. Новый телеграм-канал для инвесторов Finversia вышел в штатный рабочий режим. От зрителей непосредственно в ходе марафона будут направлены на лечение детей России. В программе марафона – темы кредитных каникул, управления личными деньгами, антикризисных стратегий и решений, ситуации на рынке труда, коммуникаций с коллекторами, финансово грамотности, управления личными сбережениями и инвестициями, ипотеки и другие. TikTok, Telegram, Zoom, Discord и Pinterest будут помечены как нарушители российского законодательства.

finversia тв

За годы существования Казанская учительская инородческая семинария подготовила более педагогов для нерусских школ Поволжья и Приуралья. В 1918 передана в ведение Казанского https://fx-trend.info/ губернского отдела народного образования. В 1919 на основе семинарии была создана Восточная академия (впоследствии Казанский педагогический университет).

Общее количество просмотров Finversia-TV превысило 10 миллионов

Первым директором семинарии до 1891 был Н.И. Здесь выдающийся деятель православного просветительства мог беспрепятственно реализовывать свои планы. В основу подготовки учителей была положена его педагогическая концепция. Срок обучения в семинарии составлял 3 года, в 1877 г. Для повышения уровня знаний по русскому языку был открыт приготовительный класс с годичным сроком обучения.

Специальные проекты Finversia-TV посвящены обзорам валют мира, мифам рынка форекс, навыкам трейдера. В скором времени планируется открыть ТВ-проект «Вредные финансовые советы от Якова «Миркина». Также в партнерстве с компанией Эмкварта Finversia-TV представляет первый обучающий онлайн-курс «Активные инвестиции с Яном Артом» – стартует в сентябре 2019 года, регистрация идет в настоящее время. Входит в топ-30 наиболее посещаемых интернет-сайтов России по финансовой тематике (по данным LiveInternet) и в топ-50 онлайн-СМИ России (согласно рейтингу Mail.ru).

Общее количество просмотров канала Finversia-TV на YouTube превысило 10 миллионов. В настоящее время у канала Finversia-TV — около 100 тысяч подписчиков на YouTube, Telegram и ЯндексДзен.

Finversia-TV открывает ежедневное новостное вещание

Пирамида» (совместный проект канала Finversia-TV и Федерального фонда по защите прав вкладчиков и акционеров), «Финансовый лекторий Эмкварта» (совместный проект с компанией «Эмкварта»), «Финансовая журналистика», ряд обучающих видео-курсов. Также на канале открыты специальные разделы Национального совета финансового рынка, Ассоциации форекс-дилеров, Совета по профессиональным квалификациям финансового рынка и другие. Модераторы марафона — главный редактор портала Finversia.ru Ян Арт; президент Национальной ассоциации профессиональных коллекторских агентств и совета саморегулируемой организации «МиР» Эльман Мехтиев, генеральный директор агентства «БизнесДром» Павел Самиев. В настоящее время в структуре канала – ежедневные выпуск новостей и прогнозов финансового рынка, онлайн-трансляция которых начинается в будни в 9.00, рубрики «Личные финансы», «Люди» (интервью с экспертами рынка), «Трейдинг с Яном Артом» (трейдингу на финансовом рынке), «Актуальное с Анатолием Аксаковым» (новации в сфере финансового законодательства). Техническую поддержку сайта осуществляет компания Finarty.

Телеграм-канал Finversia: мировой финансовый рынок в нашем телефоне

Мнения, высказываемые авторами в публикуемых статьях, не всегда совпадают с мнением редакции. Канал Finversia-TV на YouTube после переформатирования рубрик и форматов достиг уровня в 8 тысяч подписчиков.

Общая аудитория медиа-проекта составляет в настоящее время около 120 тысяч человек. Finversia.ru – экономика, финансы, аналитика, прогнозы, частные инвестиции, эксперты, фондовый рынок, финансовое ТВ, новости. В подвале страниц присутствует надпись «@ 2016—2018 ИА Finarty». Имеется дисклеймер, что редакция не отвечает за информацию и мнения в комментариях, а также, что точка зрения редакции может не совпадать с мнением авторов, а ответственность за информацию о оценки, высказанные в интервью, лежат на интервьюируемом. При перепечатке материалов просим публиковать ссылку на с указанием гиперссылки. Рост аудитории проекта за последний год работы составил 3,8 раза.

Общая информация

Структура канала Finversia-TV включает разделы «Новости финансового рынка», «Финансы. 2003 – С 21 по 26 сентября в Казани проходил XVII Менделеевский съезд по общей и прикладной химии, в работе которого приняли участие 1200 российских и зарубежных ученых. Прошли мероприятия, посвященные 175-летию со дня рождения А.М.Бутлерова, 135-летию создания конвергенция и дивергенция в трейдинге Российского химического общества и 100-летию со дня рождения академика Б.А.Арбузова. Работала выставка приборов, оборудования и технологических разработок, а также экспозиция книг, журналов и информационных материалов, связанных с тематикой съезда. Начат еженедельный выход программы «Финансовая аналитика от школы Бориса Купера».

SODEI Celebrates The International Day Of The Girl Child 2019 – GirlForce: Unscripted And Unstoppable

On December 19, 2011, the United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution 66/170 to declare October 11 as the International Day of the Girl Child, to recognize girls’ rights and the unique challenges girls face around the world. Every year this day is celebrated under a specific theme which carries a message of empowerment for the girl child. This year’s theme is — GirlForce: Unscripted and Unstoppable. GirlForce can only be developed through girl empowerment and girl empowerment is only possible if certain obstacles are taken away and in their place opportunities introduced.

This year’s theme of GirlForce: Unscripted and Unstoppable is important for SODEI because we work to inspire and empower youths through education. The advancement of the girl child is one of the overarching themes under which SODEI operates.

Youth advancement is important but the stakes are higher on the part of the girl child, who has to grow up in societies which have defined roles for her and are not always able to accommodate her success. Furthermore, harmful practices, such as child marriage and gender-based violence hamper the growth and development of the girl child. Educating the girl child is different and a lot more difficult because it is imperative to teach her not to bow to societal pressures or subscribe to roles of subordination predefined for her. It is time for the girl child to benefit from every opportunity available to her, to work to become upstanding members of society and make informed choices for their future. We owe it to future generations to raise an upright generation of girls and young women who will break boundaries and stereotypes to emerge as strong women.

According to Carol Bellamy former UNICEF Director, Girls’ education is the single best investment that any society can make.By educating a girl child we ensure that she grows up to be an empowered woman.The example of Greta Thunberg, a Swedish girl who is acclaimed Schoolgirl Climate Change Warrior who advocated for and is still advocating for better environmental conditions is definitely to be emulated. This is an ordinary girl doing extraordinary things. UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres affirms that girls all around the world around the world are proving to be unscripted and unstoppable. Unfortunately, this is not true for every girl in the world.

For the girl child in the South West and North West regions of Cameroon, the last three years have been arduous and difficult. The girl child in these regions has been increasingly exposed to physical, mental, moral and social dangers due to the anglophone crisis. During their formative years and as they grow into womanhood, girls need to be empowered. Today’s girls, are tomorrow’s women, future professional’s, future society builders, future pillars of society, future problem solvers, future representatives and future leaders amongst other things.

To ensure that our girls and young women reach their full potential, we all as a society have to make sure to provide, education, health and safety especially for those in the disturbed regions of Cameroon. As the UN Secretary General says, “girls can be powerful agents of change and nothing should keep them from participating fully in all areas of life”. This means girls can participate in and facilitate peace building as equal members of society. Let us as a society stop limiting the girl child to roles in the home and around the community and encourage them to take up roles in leadership and problem solving. To empower our girls to be part of the meaningful and sustainable change we need in Cameroon, we need to give them proper knowledge and guidance, so that we raise confident and skilled women.

SODEI uses this opportunity to reiterate the importance of the education of the girl child, the value of the girl child now and in the future. It is important to create and maintain the conditions necessary to build and secure a future for the girl child and for every other child. The celebration of this day is meant to focus attention on the distinct challenges of the girl child and to promote the realization of their human rights. SODEI will continue to echo the prioritization of equal access to education for all children and encourage the participation of youths in matters of development and community building. Sustainable Development Goal No. 5 on gender equality targets the end of all forms of discrimination against all women and girls everywhere. By commemorating this International Day of the Girl Child, we reinforce our commitment to involve youths in the North West and South West in initiatives to remove the culture of discrimination towards woman and girls, to build the GirlForce.

10 Points On Youth Participation In The Inclusive National Dialogue Called By The Head Of State

The president of the Republic in a recent outing on the 10th of September convened a national dialogue to restore peace in the Northwest and Southwest regions of Cameroon by “examining ways and means of responding to the high aspirations” of the people. We at SODEI support the initiative and are willing to accompany the efforts towards a return to normalcy. At SODEI we work to inspire young people through education while advocating for their involvement in moving their communities and the nation forward. In this line, we are advocating for their participation in the upcoming peace talks.

Globally, young people continue to be relegated to a position of powerlessness and their potentials limited as a result of them being isolated and their voices not heard. Whereas, young people’s participation nowadays is globally considered a goal to strive for and serves as an indicator of sustainable development policies and reflects the importance of representation in decision making which especially concerns them. For young people’s participation to be considered effective, they have to be seen as full members of the society capable of being consulted in matters concerning them (Burr and Montgomery, 2003).

The next generation of leaders will emerge from among the current cohort of young people, so their engagement in the peace process, shapes their skills in problem solving and will have long-term impacts. Below are 10 points why and how young people can engage in the dialogue process.

The Whys

  • Youths are social actors with agency

Many conflicts in Africa today result from the marginalisation of youth. They are considered immature, incompetent and unable to be involved in important decisions concerning them. However, modern sociology considers young people as social actors with agency, capable of contributing to the progress of their communities.

  • Youths play an important role in the crisis

Youths have been the major players in the conflict as victims or perpetrators, hence can also feature in the production of peace.

  • Youths are major stakeholders in grassroots communities

As seen above, young people as social actors have major stakes in society. Their role in the crisis so far as victims and active participants is a testament to this fact. Young people’s everyday lives are invariably intertwined with the health of the communities they live in. As future leaders, entrepreneurs and innovators, their involvement in the dialogue table matters because they are distinctively affected by the decisions to be made at the dialogue table.

  • Credibility

Since the announcement of the all-inclusive dialogue by the Head of State, many pundits have raised the need to include young people in the dialogue. These reminders are reflective of the need to embrace and encourage youth representation, especially those from the grassroots disproportionately affected by the crisis. A post on Facebook read:

“That dialogue is intended to end a youth crisis. If youths are relegated to the background of the dialogue table, peace won’t come.”

  • Sustainability

The inclusion of young people during all phases of the dialogue process would likely increase the sustainability of the outcomes.

  • Empowerment

Involving youths in the dialogue will give them a sense of recognition and worth. As victims it will serve to assuage the pain and trauma and rekindle their hope and aspirations as partakers in nation building. For those who have taken up arms and are actively involved in the crisis, it will be an opportunity to bring their concerns to the table and move to a peaceful phase of conflict resolution. It is worth noting that a number of young people previously involved in the hostilities have dropped their arms and joined the DDR centres. Some amongst them have embarked on a peace campaign and called for reformation. Many more could do same if they feel valued and given a second chance.

The How

  • A Youth Perspective

Listening to the youths’ perspective will not only take their voices into consideration but properly represent their interests in the outcome of the dialogue.

  • A Youth Forum

A youth forum would bring together young people from different works of life to deliberate on the issues affecting them as youth and table recommendations to the dialogue commission. Such an initiative could act as the start of a representative platform for young people and continue post conflict. Youth groups from the 10 regions would discuss and summarize the main issues affecting them and table at the national youth forum.

  • Youth Organisations

A network of local Civil Society Organisations working for young people would carry out consultations with young people to table to the dialogue commission.

  • Youths Representatives

Youth representatives or delegates would be selected both from the network of youth organisation sand from the youth forum to table proposals and represent youths in the discussions.