Sodei's Statement

SODEI’s Statement on Violence in Schools in the Anglophone Regions of Cameroon

SODEI exists to champion and empower children and young people through extending educational opportunities, encouraging civic engagement and nurturing youth participation. We believe unconditionally in the rights of children and young people to self-expression, equal opportunities and, most importantly, access to education. Furthermore, we believe in the importance of education as a universal right not only to improve and protect the lives of young people, but also to increase the potential of any society for growth, stability and equality. In light of these values, we are compelled to publicly declare our condemnation of any barriers to education and self-development that may affect children living in conflict zones or areas in which education has been targeted by violence and persecution.

In the Anglophone regions of Cameroon there is an ongoing crisis between politically opposed forces which has led to conflict ravaging the Southwest and Northwest regions of the country. Much of this violence is targeted at local communities and, in particular, at schools, with pupils and teachers frequently facing attacks. The atrocities that have been perpetrated during these attacks have directly affected the areas in which SODEI works and operates. Schools have been regularly assaulted by armed groups, and tragically this has led to the loss of many lives and the horrific traumatisation of many children and teachers. SODEI would like to extend our deepest sympathies, solidarity and support to those affected and their families, and condemn in the strongest terms any further violence against school children and their teachers.

The continued disruption of children’s education in the Anglophone regions will have long lasting consequences on their development, and on the development of their communities. Education and development are intrinsically linked: schools and formal educational settings are pivotal in “helping individuals achieve their own economic and social and cultural objectives and helping society to be better protected, better served by its leaders and more equitable in important ways... Schooling helps children develop creatively and emotionally and acquire the skills, knowledge, values and attitudes necessary for responsible, active and productive citizenship” (Colclough 2004).i Formal education settings provide not only the cognitive development children need to thrive, but the emotional settings and social development that will equip them with the tools to participate effectively in their community. Continued denial of education not only harms the individual child in the short term as they grow and mature but also damages their community’s long term development goals.

Without education, “Poverty will remain intractable, disadvantage will continue to be transmitted across the generations, and

economic growth will be compromised by shortages of knowledge and skill in the work force” (Lewin and Akyeampong 2009).

As part of the international Safe Schools Declaration, Cameroon as a nation has a responsibility to ensure that safe access to education can be provided to every child. The atrocities perpetrated in recent years are violations of all human rights, and the rights of the child to safety, security, and education. More about our commitment to the Safe Schools Declaration, the UN SDGs, including on equitable access to quality education, can be found on our website and social media. Our detailed Baseline Research on the school crisis in the Anglophone regions can be accessed on the education and resources pages. More information on the right to education can be found on our resources page ‘Factsheet on the Right to Education’, and information about overcoming the barriers to education posed in the Anglophone regions will be regularly included in our updates.

Posted in Posted by: Marcel Nkamwa, Written by: Gilbert Ajebe.